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• Madison & Aisha Content

Early WIP shots.

• Aisha's Penthouse

Added more details.

Added light switches.

Added Trophies and Certificates. Still need to do the textures for those.

Added small workspace for Aisha in kitchen. They can do some work from home there.

Added lights and dialed them in.

Added sculpture in the hallway. Want to add cold lights and make it really interesting looking.


Add more curtains/blinds to smaller windows.

Add more details to bedroom, kitchen, patio and entrance.

Furnish bathroom.

Tweak sculpture in entrance. 

Add large cityscape.

Add text and textures to certificates and trophies.

Really happy with the living area. I think that area, apart from the missing curtains, is looking pretty finished at this point.




You really have a good eye for interiors, especially the classy ones. And excited to see some Aisha content; that blowjob scene ❤️


Appreciate you taking onboard the Alice idea and the apartment details for Aisha. WIP 5 is a great shot of Alice love it. The penthouse looks great, truly. Not too empty, not too cluttered. Very open space. It's great. Nice touch aswell having Aisha's foot on Madisons cock. I also forgot how big of a hog Aisha is packing. Looking lovely.


Thanks a lot. I try to sort of imagine the person who'd decorate and who would buy the furniture. In this case, I think it's technically Aisha's penthouse, but Madison made it a home by decorating it. But Madison, being Madison and not serving themselves, didn't decorate it to their own taste, rather to Aisha's more expensive and maybe corporate or somewhat "empty" taste? Like the decoration and little pots and small statues they're all not personal to either to them. They're just there to look pretty. The only things Aisha placed are their certificates. Sort of as an ego or pride thing. Glad to hear you like it! :D


'T was a brilliant idea. Shot 5 has really nice light interaction with the pose. The light is gently flowing over Alice's curves there. It's a great effect there. Thanks! The penthouse is coming together pretty quickly. I just have this theme in mind where it's beautiful, but it's hollow? All the decorations are in a way a little meaningless and un-personal? I think it's technically Aisha's penthouse, but Madison made it a home by decorating it. But Madison, being Madison and not serving themselves, didn't decorate it to their own taste, rather to Aisha's more expensive and maybe corporate or somewhat "empty" taste? Like the decoration and little pots and small statues they're all not personal to either to them. They're just there to look pretty. The only things Aisha placed are their certificates. Sort of as an ego or pride thing.