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David Barger

Oh hell yes I love you lol gonna look at this later tonight ! :) very excited :D

David Barger

This was fucking fantastic love love the amount of detail in this didn’t think I was gonna like the hairy ness but I love it the overall atmosphere is amazing! Great work also love the ending we’re there on bed together :)




There were moments where I definitely felt there was maybe a bit too much hair? But I think, realistically, they would be a bit hairy there. And it's different and I like doing things differently. I ended up liking it. It's nasty. 🤭

David Barger

Fuck yeah the nastiness makes sense cause of you know survival so yeah:) yeah this turned out great!


I think I saw you one day, saying you didn’t like The Last of Us’ characters… Or was it just ‘’I don’t like doing too much art about them’’… I can’t remember your exact words but I know I was like : « Oh… That mean they won’t do it often… » And, once again, I see your talent, your attention to details… Real emotions that we can see in these characters. Real love. So, I really hope this isn’t the last time we saw Abby and Ellie together. Because, seriously, this is amazing and really add something to the game and their relationship.


Oh no, I love the characters of The Last of Us universe. My biggest issue with TLOU is just Part 2 and how it's narrative was constructed. And the general plot, message and story wasn't... up my alley, let's say. I didn't think it was that good. But yeah, I love Ellie and Abby together. I did say I didn't want to do fan-art of any franchise or game or movie too much. Just fan-art in general is not what I want to do. Glad you like this project. Wanted to have these characters sort of in love, instead of the deep hate that we see in the game.


Interesting... What don't you like about the game ? What details ? Because, usually, people who hate it say it's because they hate Abby and they hate playing as her. And... well... let's just say if you tell me you hate Abby, I'll be completely lost... Because why are you presenting her in such a loving and happy way, if you hate her ? So, I do believe it's because of something else and I want to know...


TLOU 2's story structure didn't work for me. So, we're playing as Ellie, even played as Ellie in part 1 and the DLC. We're super, super connected to Ellie at this point. Then, in 2, we're building up to this mid-point crescendo where Ellie and Abby meet in the theatre and it builds up, and builds up and then it, for no reason, cuts to black and we get a flashback to Abby as a child and we basically rewind to day one, but from Abby's perspective. That's all the narrative build-up, all the tension gone in one swoop. And for me, I went from completely in the moment to out of the moment and realizing a writer was doing something. I wasn't in the story, I was aware of me, playing a game and experiencing a story. And from that point, whenever I encountered something, I would second guess it. "Are the writers/is the story manipulating me?" And on some level, most stories are manipulating the viewer, but it got very overt for me after that ill-placed flashback and being sucked out of the moment so hard, that it sucked me out of the rest of the narrative entirely. It's very hard to admit you're wrong, so when the narrative is built in a way that makes you BE Ellie and then sort of manipulate you into wanting you to be wrong about Abby... that's a tough one. So when I started playing as Abby, my enemy, I had 0 motivation to really play as her? Nothing was driving me other than "I paid money for this game, I'm gonna play it." I think Abby isn't a bad character, but she's incredibly badly placed. And that placement makes it incredibly hard to empathize with her, especially if she's combatting with Ellie, who most people have loved for years. And also if she's such a complex and gray character, that Abby is. There's some other things, the tone is incredibly one-note and dreary after the inciting incident, it's a very, very slow paced game and story and it left me without ANY brightness. I played Part 1 over 9 times. I played Part 2 twice. And I recall thinking after Part 2, it really was all for nothing.


Awesomeness SloP ;-) THANK YOU Fi~Fi XXX

Dana Lauren

I really like this setting ... the smaller of the two is so freaking cute in just her panties and then ... to take charge, Damn! Somewhere around pic 77, hairy asscrack her fingers lightly touching ... this is beautiful art! Then watching her mount her missionary ... very hot!