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• Eliza X Rhiann Progress

More progress on Eliza x Rhiann. Did my most extensive metaball liquid set up, to date. Took approximately an hour.

• Resident Evil Update

Finished denoising all Resident Evil renders.

• Health Update

I'm a little under the weather. Sore throat, feel a headache coming. Might need to sit tomorrow out or do lighter work like just editing the Resident Evil thing.



David Barger

Love the hair pulling and roughness !


Love the poses and the use of Eliza's hair!


Great idea of holding Eliza pony tail like that. It really showcases that she is using Eliza as a toy as much as she can to assert her position. The look Rhiann gives to the mirror in this pose as well is very sinister. I love it. The second pose of her hand in Eliza face almost forcing her to look at the mirror as well to see what Rhiann is doing to her. Very very nice. Obviously, no one can tell others what to do but I know I'll be totally alright if you decided to simply take the day to yourself. If you have to do something, then the lighter work might be ideal but anything to lower the workload the better. To all of us here, your health > posting an update/working hard on renders. I hope it's nothing more serious than just a regular flu/cold that will pass soon. Sending big love and vibes <3.


Thanks a lot mate! I'll have to see tomorrow, I'll definitely try to finish SOMETHING though. Feels like a mild flu, but I can also feel a headache coming and like eye pains and all that. So it's definitely not over yet, I don't think.

Dana Lauren

image 6 was pure amazement! so freaking sexy! and the bald beauty - new to me, outstanding addition ... thanks for share ... and take care of yourself, get better!


Thank you very much! The bald models are just Work-In-Progress shots, they'll grow their hair back for the final renders. :)