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• Eliza

Feel like they're pretty good right now. Want to fine-tune the eye and needs some small bug fixing, but they're 99% finished. IMO.

• Steamy Sauna

General progress on sauna set.




DAMN! Eliza is looking hot and bad fucking ass. Cant wait to see her in action!

David Barger

Shits looking fucking amazing!

Dana Lauren

the delicate chains on the piercing rings is beautiful, the tuft of pubes delicious!


Looks great! Also that scene for Steamy Sauna is fantastic!^^


Thanks a lot! Reaaaally happy with them too. Very very interesting look they have, I think.


Thanks a lot! I focussed on a lot of chain-jewellery for her as a theme.


I also think you've ended up in a very good spot with Eliza. Always appreciative that you are willing to take on feedback from all of us and incorporate it into the character. The chains and jewellery are great. I absolutely love the ear and finger accessories. Also, that first WIP of the Sauna...sheeeeeesh. Nina's face here taking Alice's cock like that. Very hot, hot HOT.


Definitely got that muscled frame with girly face that's damaged from wars look. Kinda even want to take this as a base for a main story character, maybe in the future. Reeally liking this look right now. Thanks for the idea for the chained jewellery! ♥