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V'Day Project Update

Renders are done for the V'Day Project. Also finished all the edits for them today.

Only need to finalize dialogue. Aiming for a release tomorrow or the day after.

Sauna Project Update

General Sauna Progress. Feeling very uninspired by this set and got almost no further input on what y'all would like, so this'll be a short set.

• TLOU Project Update

With the V'Day Renders done, TLOU Renders can resume.

• Colosseum Part V Writing Update

Started officially writing the next part of Büla & Nina's story.

They're taking a big risk and going back to town because Nina wants to get some extra supplies before they go on a long journey north.

They'll meet a new orc character in town who they'll have to befriend for their sakes.
I'm taking suggestions on the gender of this new orc character. They're gonna be somewhat antagonistic at the start, but they'll eventually group up with Büla and Nina.

Character Updates

Been working on a new "femboy"-type character. This time I'm going for a more realistic male physique that's still somewhat androgynous and feminine. I also have an alt-style for them in mind. Lots of piercings, maybe some tattoos.

For now, a story for them that I have is that they're pretty domestic. They're in a relationship with someone else, maybe someone from the cast or someone new, and they're basically the housewife, for a lack of better term. Cooking, cleaning. And they love it.

I'm open to ideas and feedback on this character.

Also updated the nun character. She's now named Gwenneth Morgan. From Welsh descent, but all the character writing is very basic right now. Mostly updated her for upcoming projects.



Robert D.

Sorry to hear your feeling uninspired. I can definitely understand that. I imagine it’s easier to feel that way when you’re working on a project that other people chose rather then something you chose for yourself. And new characters looking good. I’m a fan of your foreskin work 👌🏼


I'll be honest and I'm not trying to guilt you or don't think any less of you whatsoever, but it's pretty lame when I go out of my way to allow people to basically tell me what to do, right? And there's just... nothing. No input. Like, the sauna set won from other projects that I personally had more interest in and a large majority voted for the sauna set, but when it's time to actually come up with stuff for the set there's just nobody. It's frustrating. So yeah, that and this sauna project not even being something I would like to do myself; feeling pretty "meh" about this project. Just gonna put my head down with this one and just finish it, I guess. Glad ya like the new ones. ♥

Robert D.

That’s totally understandable to feel that way. I personally didn’t vote for it and thought it was the less interesting of the options so I didn’t have any ideas to contribute or offer on the subject. I honestly felt a bit salty at first because the vast majority of the time, I’m always on the losing end of the polls for some reason lol. I’ve always felt bad when an artist asks for input or try’s to interact with their patrons and then… crickets. Anyways, keep doing what you do, everyone loves your art. Looking forward to seeing what you do in the future.


Really love the new femboy you got cooking up

David Barger

Fucking fantastic! Ooo last of us update hella yeah love it allllll :D


Ohhh a lot of updates. So much upcoming. Can't wait. I think my own bias will be at play here but I would like to see the Orc packing as well like Büla. Though to have a difference, perhaps this new character is not as long as Büla but is perhaps slightly thicker in the shaft and bigger balls. The more male focused femboy is a great idea. I'll see if there is anything I can come up with for them.