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This year was weird, huh.  A lot of bad stuff happened in the world and personally; I've had better years. 

That said, this year wasn't all bad. And I've got a positive outlook on next year.

I usually don't share a lot about myself, but I want to change that.

2016 for me started bad, I was doing work I didn't like because I was scrambling for cash, which impacted other aspects of my life too. At this time I kind of lost interest in a lot of the things I used to like doing; this was also the time that I took a break of making anything in SFM. I was making these things almost daily and it was impossible for me to mix that with working full-time as I came home mentally and physically exhausted.

So, around April my contract at work ran out, I slowely started becoming my old self again, picked up my lost hobbies and I liked making stuff in SFM again. Even dabbling in animations for a while.

Slowely but surely I started feeling a lot better and I decided I wanted to start building upon my knowledge and ability of SFM and interact with the people who enjoy my work. Since I've always been kind of stoic and in the background, for lack of a better word. So I created this here Patreon and started streaming. 

The people who have seen me streaming will notice I'm kind of a goofball, make a lot of (bad) jokes and I try to entertain and interact with the people who show up, but that was very hard for me to do at the start of the year. 

So as bad as 2016 has been... ...it hasn't been as bad for me...

- Z



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