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oh no, SloP is writing again

I could use some help writing and figuring out these characters.
Any and all help is appreciated but I've highlighted some parts in the biographies themselves that I'm focusing on right now. Still, feel free to chime in with anything as it can't hurt and it might spark further ideas.

Yuna Líng

Yuna needs to be cunning, yet likeable. Maybe someone Claudia would like a lot.

- Needs a date of birth.
- Needs more traits.
- Needs more backstory writing. Specifically how she might've gotten her massage parlor, either through her parents or through working another job?

What does Yuna do for fun? What are her passions? Does she have hobbies?

Daria Chernova

Daria is very hard to write for, especially now with the current going-ons. I don't want to vilify her entirely, she should be redeemable but still have a mean-streak?

- Needs a date of birth.
- Chime in on her age.
- Needs more traits.
- Needs more backstory writing. "Feeling like Russia and her family threw her to the curb[...]" is pretty bad writing on my part, but the sentiment I want to keep. It just needs to be worded better. What are her hobbies? What does she do for fun besides drinking?

Helen Gadelha

Helen is still a mystery to me so I'm gonna be very open to anything you have for her.

- Basically needs everything.

Any help is appreciated. I'm gonna be reviewing whatever I get from this after this weekend. Thanks in advance. ♥



Jason Trent

Yuna: If you wanted to incorporate numerology into her DOB, 168 = fortune all the way, so August 16th could be a good DOB. Is she's pansexual maybe she goes on a lot of dates and likes going out on the town. She could have some sort of side-hustle if she's hard working. Maybe she is a photographer or artist of some sort (painting, clay, etc). Daria: mid 30s seems good to me. I figure she would participate in some kind of martial art to help stay in shape, maye Jiu Jitsu or Muay Thai? If she had trouble at home she could be a loner or stand-offish (whatever a better word for that is). Part of me almost wants her to have some thing she likes to do in the US that she couldn't do in Russia. Like maybe she loves American culture and loves American movies. Maybe she has a cat or dog? Helen: Were you still thinking of a petty criminal for her? My immediate thought is her she's a second-generation immigrant whose parents moved to a city with a sizeable Brazilian community and grew up there. If she's a petty criminal she could have gotten involved in a gang in her teens. If not, she could have gotten a job in a restartaunt and became popular with the patrons because she is sociable. From there she could have either moved up in the industry or maybe gotten a scholarship to go to college. I guess it depends on what route you want to take her


Yuna: I'll look into the numerology stuff. Don't know anything about it, but it could be a theme for Yuna. Some sorta religion or believe in things like that. I like that idea, nice one. Daria: Mid 30's seems to fit nicely for her, I think too. Maybe an interest in martial arts, yeah.. Yeah, maybe Daria can have some loneliness/loner themes to make her a bit more relatable? Yeah. Pets? I don't know, I like the idea but I don't think she'd have one, she's alone and away from home most days during patrols and all that. It's a nice idea though. Helen: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't THINK she was ever meant to be a petty criminal? Do you like the idea of Helen maybe being a therapist?

Jason Trent

I could very well be wrong about the petty criminal thing. I like the therapist idea!


I've not had much time to sit down and come up with something helpful for all so apologies for the lack of ideas for all three characters. On Daria, hopefully this doesn't stray too far from the original sentiment you had but how about this: instead of being thrown to the curb to suggest the family kicked her out, maybe the family sent her away as some sort of "alright then, if you think you have it, go and prove it". So what I have is that the family are a competitive family stemming from the parents successful wrestling career that they passed down to their children. Parents ambitions are for the children to follow their footsteps and become successful/well respected wrestlers etc. This is where Daria competitive, strives to be great at what she does comes from through strict training/discipline. Whilst the rest of the siblings want to follow, Daria feels wrestling is not their path and wants to find their own way, and make their name. Parents are of course disappointed but respect Daria's wishes but must prove they can do it on their own. Daria must show the parents they can do it. The parents provided the means for which Daria could start a life in New Peitham. To match with what was mentioned in a comment, the training life with parents left little time for friends so when arriving in New Peitham, Daria focus was on making it and not looking for friends. driven by this, she becomes somewhat of a loner. To play into the mean aspect, it could come from the sorta tough love training they got from the parents where Daria is can be blunt, rudely to the point, aggressive in interactions with people. Age: 33 DOB: 17th March 1989 Hobbies: Jogging to keep fitness up Maybe some craft work? Something to make and do with their hands Woodwork/metal work Gun range but that feels a bit cliché That's all I have. I don't have much in Yuna or Helen at the moment Briefly for Yuna, I sorta had Ada Wong from RE inspiration as a possible inspiration to who they are and act. Beautiful, intelligence, cunning, independent but I don't have any good background that touches on it. I'll keep thinking and send any your way if I know you are still looking over the coming days. Again, sorry for not having anything on Helen. She'd definitely be a more welcoming personality if going the route of a therapist to help patients open up though cautious about what information she shares with people. Tries to keep work and social life completely separate.


Just in time! Hah. I agree that having Daria being another child whose parents were meanies is kind of.. redundant, maybe. But I do like her being dishonorably discharged. Like she wasn't accepted there. I also really like her doing woodwork stuff or metal work. I'll use that. Thanks! ♥