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• Included is the complete set in one .zip file with 20 renders, without compression and watermarks and in full resolution, including eleven exclusive renders.



Robert D.

Can’t wait to check it out once I get my PC back. Its outta commission for the time being and in the shop for repairs. I was installing the 4090 and I guess knocked a capacitor loose somehow. Hopefully the mobo isn’t bricked or else I’ll be shopping for a new one of those as well. It’s been like 4 days since I’ve even looked at porn lol. Wish I could figure how to download and view zip files on my phone at least. 🤨


That's so terrifying. I remember when I installed my 3090 it wouldn't boot and recently again after cleaning it. It's TE-RRI-FY-ING. Wish you the best, Robert! If you're on a Samsung, I BELIEVE you should be able to download and open .ZIP files? Anyways, best of luck with the PC. Fingers crossed!

Robert D.

Yea nothing quite like working on your PC and having it dead after. Such a shitty feeling. I’m not an IT tech so my knowledge is limited and I was pretty surprised to see the new GPU required 4 8pin connectors rather then the normal 2. Also I didn’t know my Pc would need repairs so currently on my desktop are some random pics and the latest Helen image set of yours, just sitting there. Kinda embarrassing when the computer repair guy boots up my pc and sees them 🫣


:( Well the Helen set isn't THAT bad. It's somewhat tasteful. At least it isn't something bad like Club Femboy or something.

Robert D.

Lol you surely right. The Helen set is extremely well done and tasteful. Who knows, the repairman could be your next subscriber.

David Barger

Amazing stuff love the theme for it ! :)

Jason Trent

Yuna looks absolutely stunning in this set. Also I LOVE that shot of Nina's backside


nina in a maid outfit is why I keep coming back to your patreon :P