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• Included is the complete set in five .zip files with 79 renders, without compression and watermarks and in full resolution, including fourty-one exclusive renders.




Nina and Claudia always have good sets




My favorite set yet forsure. Reminds me of your early work a lot, perfection.

Jason Trent

God I love the progression of Nina's expression while they're bent over


But this is not one of them. Thanks for the nice words! ❤ Glad you like it.


One of my least favourites. 🤔 Yeah it's similar to one I did years ago. Same room even, I think. Glad you like it! ❤


Nina is definitely experienced but even this one's a tight fit. 😊 Glad you likey! 🥰


Awesome renders! Love these two together 👍 Can I ask a question, and it's just for curiosity. How do you decide which renders go into the complete set as exclusives, and which go into the public one? I would still be happy about getting the public set only, since your work is fantastic all round.


Glad you like it! Good question, for longer sets the public selection get the critical renders that are needed for the storyline or progression to make sense to the viewer. I also select more "master shots" or "wider shots" for public renders. So everything is clear with the least amount of shots. The complete selection or the exclusives get more detailed ones, closer ones. I want to balance AT LEAST a 50/50 for these two selections, I'm not always able to however. In a perfect world I'd have even more exclusives and I'm aiming to really up my exclusive-game in that way. I want to do more exclusives. I also consider, from a business standpoint, which renders will get me more Patrons, so occasionally if I feel a shot is exceptionally great I will add that to the public set to lure in more folks. :)


Okay, that makes sense. Your public sets have brought me in for sure 😊 they've really got a very high quality standard to them. It felt a little bit unreal they're the public ones, since doing this level of work takes a lot of time. And these days people aren't always willing to do the time and give it out for free. But I like your business approach to it. Hopefully more people will come on board and support you!


M-m-m-multi skill! Amazingly kinky set, I approve heartily!


Claudia is becoming my fav character, awesome stuff I love it when you do the larger sets.


your best work to date


After viewing this I personally think it’s a nice set, but Slop, I gotta ask why don’t you like it? I ask because some of comments on this post are in praise of this set, but you seem to see this set in the negative, just curious.


lol you never answer any of my questions but aight. I think it's simple smut with no cinematic qualities. The poses are nice, sure. But there's no interesting narrative & no beautiful cinematography, which is what I pride myself on having the most. There's maybe two to six renders/poses that I actually like in this set. It's not the first time that my thoughts or likes align with the general consensus, but I just don't see how this set is interesting.


I absolutely love this. Incredible work!