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Sorry for not posting anything yesterday without explanation. I did work, but it was mostly behind the scenes optimization work.

Regina Progress
Worked further on Regina, want to make them a little bit less.. scary?
I think they're pretty far along the process, but they need some.. beautification.
It's hard to judge these things when they're un-posed and without any expression, so they might change over time as all my characters do.

Office Progress
Finding it hard to progress this set, due to lack of interest on my part. I think I worked the entire last month on this one and only now there's the "interesting" part. So it's definitely a slow paced set.

I'll most likely render the "un-interesting" parts, like just the dialogue, in a lower resolution just to speed things up a bit. Maybe upscale it to 4K later.

I have been working the last two days, but most of it was also just optimizing parts of my workflow. I've gotten rid of a lot of morphs and now my simulations, save and load times are A LOT faster.

But by deleting morphs, I have to go back to all the projects I've already made and need to double check if nothing is broken and to re-save them. That takes a lot of work, there's over 300 renders queued up, that I need to open and check and re-save.

That takes a long time, that I'll spread out throughout the coming weeks.

Did some early edits already of upcoming projects.

Lack of content
I'm aware there hasn't been frequent sets as of late and to be transparent I'll tell you why that is.

I mismanaged the Worked Out part III set and the Office set.
They're both massive. Worked out is over 150 renders, the office set isn't even done yet and over 150 too.

So now I've been rendering the worked out 3 set for over a month. June 13th was the first render and it's not even done rendering right now.

And now there's the office set, at least twice as big, RIGHT AFTER. I made a big error there.

How to fix it
I'm going to try and work on the office set AND a smaller set at the same time. I usually just work on one set throughout the day, but I need smaller content to also come out.

We'll see what happens, I might overwork myself and burn out, but we'll see.

Photography gigs
So, I did a photography gig and kept working on 3D last week. I think that might've been a little much. I'm very tired and because the photography gig was like a festival, my entire sleep schedule is a bit off.

Might need some time with that too.

Thanks for sticking around, even without a lot coming out lately. I'm nervous and scared that I might've not released enough recently; I see the numbers going down again.

And I'm angry at myself for not managing these sets properly. 

♥ - SloP



Robert D.

I know im only 1 person but im not going anywhere mate. Just outta curiosity, how do you decide how many images a set will have? The smaller ones around 10-15 and the larger ones way more. Try not to burn out tho we need you!

David Barger

Take your time I’m really extremely excited for workout 3 though :)




It's been over a month since planning Worked Out and I'm always just going, going, going. So, I'm not entirely sure. I think I had a basic outline; "I want these themes, these positions, these things." Then I kinda write the narrative, if it needs it. In the outline, I take note of how many renders it would need. The outline separates every render. But THEN I do.. alternative versions and different angles. And it really, really adds up. Same as for the Office one, some of these have 5-6 different angles and also multiple angles for alternative versions, so that all adds up.

Robert D.

This is just my opinion, but personally I really love the longer sets. They don’t have to be 150+ pages. But it’s harder for me to get into a 10 pic set although I do very much enjoy seeing them. I live for the narrative sets and love a good story. It makes the spicy scenes so much better. I always lol’d at women with theyre romance novels but I kinda get it now 😅


Easier said than done, but don't stress it! For me your quality work is worth waiting for, and actually gives me some motivation to try and learn Blender.


The shorter ones allow me to be more.. artsy? I'm more creative in my shot compositions and themes and content in the shorter ones. The longer ones tend to be more shot, reverse shot sometimes because the narrative needs to be clear. I understand why a longer one is more... desirable, but in production they need to be done in a way so content can keep coming out per usual. I can't have nothing for months and then drop a 200 render set and then.. have nothing for months again.