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Looking good 👌🏼


Entrance fee to the park will be about three fiddy! And yes you are a bad bitch. The baddest in town. I think the beach is a good choice. Can already see the mood it will give from those WIPS. Have a grand weekend SloP and everyone <3


I know, not very exciting WIP today. Worked for most of the day on the nature park and fixing the broken shaders, but ended up post-poning it.


Just curious, what comes first for you, the sex scene or the location/environment for the scene


It differs. Sometimes it's a specific fetish thing, sometimes it's a genre or mood, sometimes it's a technical thing like learning how to do condoms. It changes. I find I like tones and moods the most occurring thing though. "Let's try a romantic, summer mood." "Let's try a cold, horror thing."


Damn, is that a new UltraScenery script to generate that environment? I've used one to generate an Australian Outback but the memory it used was insane! Also I like the customization of the park! Are you using Substance Painter now to generate custom textures or just something simple like an Adobe product?


Thems just simple textures made in Photoshop. And that's UltraScenery, yes. It's a lotta viewport lag unfortunately with the thousands of grasses and flowers. :(