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• Starting to wrap things up for this set, working on the climax sequence. After that we're gonna end it with a wholesome, loving pose of them both resting.

• Since this is the finale of the Colosseum series, I want to send Büla off with a bang. I'm thinking of giving them a nice montage ending with Nina. Showing some fun, loving day-to-day things. Maybe a couple of smut renders mixed in once in a while.

I'm thinking along the lines of them both working at their house. Nina doing more cleaning work as Büla builds things.

Maybe Büla coming home with food as Nina was hanging some clothes or something.

Followed by a rough smut scene with Büla pushing Nina's face down into the bed as they do it.

Followed by them eating dinner together.

Nina teaching Büla reading and writing.

Followed by Büla hunched over Nina as they do it again.

And ending it all with Büla proposing to Nina in a scenic forest setting.

And then their wedding shot, maybe because I wanna see Nina in a wedding dress.



Jason Trent

I too would like to see Nina in a wedding dress


If I can make it make sense natratively, how they got wedding clothes, I'd love to do it.

Liam Devlin

The expressiveness between the lovers is the center point of the interaction between them. Well done, SloP!