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- Finished Mia's images, turned out with 24 images for her in total. This set is turning out to be pretty much as big as the last one. Not sure if I'm happy with that or not yet.

- Started working on Amaya's set, made it rain and put some raindrops on the windows.



thomas d bontempo

Fucking fun in the confessional Fantastic cock on nun's thank you I am one happy Catholic


The crossover I would never have dared to dream of : SloP Futa & french painter Clovis Trouille ! Can't wait to see this....


This is looking really good


Oh nice nice. You put the beads/necklace with the cross on Mias cock. Really like that and her ass sticking out of the booth works great. Really glad you went for black and white Nuns. A good combo. I hope Mia has enough prayers saved up to get her through this. I know it's good for us in a way, but sucks to hear that this set is turning out big as I know you wanted to do a small one to come down from the big cheerleader set. I don't like dictating to an artist that they should do more or should do less. I just feel extremely rude in doing so so I apologise in advance for the next bit: The only thing I can suggest is perhaps breaking it up into parts where in part 2 whenever that may be, you can focus then on the remaining characters you've yet to do the blowjob scene for such as Alice, Linde and Daria. I know you've established the cop characters for Claudia so I'm not sure how far along you are with that but if you are feeling burnt out or just don't want to commit to another big set straight away, breaking it up might be good. Ultimately, it might still end up the same length as the cheerleading set, maybe more but at least it wouldn't be all at once. That said, if you are in the zone and don't feel stressed/burnt, then by all means work away. Again, I hope I'm not out of place saying to stop and break it up into parts. Have a grand ole day <3


To be even mentioned in the same phrase as Trouille... Must surely be a bad day in their legacy. :) Thanks though! ♥


The confessional booth was a little limiting in poses, but I'm overall happy with how this all turned out. Usually, I really hate unwarranted/un-asked for advice, but you've been a valuable supporter, a long-time collaborator, and have been helpful in a lot of ways -- I really don't mind! ♥ Breaking it up in two parts might be the way to go, or stopping this set and focussing on the Halloween thing first. Since that one has a deadline that's coming up soon. Thinking more about it, the cop character not being ready, Halloween coming up.. I might HAVE to stop this set. I do feel.. fine? Tired, but I've been tired for over fifteen years at this point. I don't feel like I'm burning out. You're not out of place. ♥ Thanks for the advice.