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- Horrendous render times, 9 hours for a close up; trying out a fix for tonight's renders.

- Wrote story outlines, handy for me to have, interesting maybe for you to read through.

- Further progress on the cheerleader set.

(also yay, more people leaking shit again :/)




Oh wow. 9 hours for the render? I take it that it has a lot to do with the amount of hair Mia has? Yup. Very interesting to read the story outlines. It's the same with the bios. It helps getting a better sense of the characters and get more immersed in the sets knowing the backgrounds etc of the characters. That image with Nina taking a photo is great. I love the little different poses each character is doing. Linde really looks cheerful and Mia has that shy smile giving that ''nervous but I'm enjoying myself'' look. Really sorry to hear about the leak shit again. Is it the same place or different? Of course, you don't need to answer if you don't want to bring it any more attention.


Its either her hair or the environment and its weird shaders. I've been writing the bios too but I've been having a little trouble with it. Progress on the bios is slow unfortunately. Different place. Pretty annoyed by it.


Ah ok. Crazy rendering times so. Hopefully the bios come together the way you want. I would struggle making one about me and I know myself so trying to do with for multiple characters is hard work.. Damn, I wish I could help with it. Just sucks people do this when you post the stuff anyway yourself over time on Twitter. It's disrespectful to the artists. If you need to vent, you know where I am <3


I seem to have been able to fix it, I'm running some test renders right now. It's at 51% at around 2 hours and 50 minutes. Seems more right to me. Mia's hair is definitely a resource hog and a rendering pain, but 9 hours was kinda crazy. I seem to have been able to KINDA fix it, I'd like the times even shorter, but it seems fine to me like this. I don't quite know what to write on the bio's is all and honestly, I hate to admit it, I might need to re-do the images AGAIN since we just updated their genitalia again. Which I'm kinda mad about too :):):)


You are about to see my lack of knowledge so forgive me in advance :D. Is the hair for the characters one piece or are they all individual strands? There isn't a way to not render individual strands that are not in the shot? But glad you've been able to adjust it. Seems to be just under 6 hours so give or take compared to the 9 hours previously. I'm not sure if this is helpful but could the bios be done in unison with the story. Have a set amount of detail/traits etc starting off obviously and then as the story goes on you can update depending on how you feel a character has progressed or even regressed after a scene. Like Mia gaining a confidence trait etc? Or is just better to have a fleshed out bio and just let the story itself show the character growth rather than continuously updating the bio? A viscous circle. Finally get to a point where you are happy with a character, do the new images, then a few weeks later, think of something that might improve them/change them further and repeat it all again. I know this might not seem like any consolation, but I don't mind about the constant updates. I like seeing the progression and changes you make but I 100% understand it is frustrating for you.


It's one piece but this one's special in that it's made to be simulated AND it has three extra layers at three different thicknesses that give the hair extra.. thickness. It's just a very, very high-quality hair model that I love and I don't mind the extra time it takes to render the hair, but I really think it's the environment and hdri outside. So I tweaked that and now it seems to be a lot faster. I go for 15k samples nowadays, it's nearly at 10k at almost 4 hours, so it's a lot quicker. The bios in unison with the story? That's a whole other can of worms I didn't think of; do I change the bios in accordance with the story? I'll need to think about this tomorrow, I'll let you know. Maybe per season, once a narrative arc has been finished?


The hair is fantastic so I guess it is worth it like you said in dealing with the extra render time. Ops. I didn't mean to make the bios even more daunting. Yeah that's what I meant. It wouldn't make sense if a character trait for Character A was weak but in the story they became strong so I think what you suggested would work best. It probably doesn't need to be a new bio. It could even just be sort of like a recap of where the characters were and where they are now going into the next character arc. Could be done in some mini set of images like one per character with a dialogue description of where the character is currently at/feeling or did an event happen in a scene that they learnt something or changed them etc before you start the next narrative arc when it comes to it. In my head originally, I had the idea running with changing them as the story goes but I think it adds unnecessary work for you so I think an end of season update of the characters would work best. In my view anyway.

Jason Trent

Those selfies are adorable. I love Linde's pose