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Miami Set
I'm enamoured by Miami in the 80's. Scarface, Vice City and all that and I wanted to do something lighter, so I've started working on some Miami-oriented stuff.

So far I've got something for Nina and Amaya. Working title is "Sun's Out, Cock's Out". So they'll all have that stuff.. out.

If you have ideas for the other characters, I'm all ears.

Noir Jill
Finished and rendered the Jill things, saw someone comment about a smokey, noir vibe, maybe black and white and I like the sound of that. That kind of was what I was going for at the start too, so that's good to go.

Alice Store Clothes
Reworked Alice's clothes for when their working, I wanted to do an apron-something and I found a very nice and somewhat cute apron/dress. Also genital fashion.

Have a good weekend.




Oh my lord. I was tempted to put forward a roller skate theme from the 70s but didn't know how to put it. Nina looks so good in that shot. Also that cock sock....I'm weak. Amazing. Have a wonderful weekend SloP and everyone else <3