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Bad news first;

Normally I'd have a release today, the sauna set. But as you can see in the image with Nina; there's some issues with transparency and volumetric lights.

This hair model is made with transparency maps, simply put, it's an image that tells DAZ which part of the hair model should be transparent (or see-through) and which parts aren't. This technique is also commonly used for grass or complex leaves like in the night-time image. You can see a box where the volumetric light is blocked.

Why is this happening? I don't know exactly, either the latest DAZ update or NVIDIA update broke something. What can I do? I can try and find a work-around tomorrow and release the sauna image this weekend instead or post-pone the sauna set until NVIDIA/DAZ fixes it.

Since the entire sauna set is dependant on volumetric lights it kind of ruins the entire set and I don't want to release trash.

Daria Chernova Images
Also worked on some Daria images.

Linde Witteveen Images
Started production on Linde's images, going to be kind of musical and "hippie"-ish.



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