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A while back there was an update to the base model, upon which my own models are made. Some of the changes include a different skin shader as well as some improvements to eyes, tears and eyelashes.

Also, there's now an industry standard way of posing faces that has been implemented.

This means for me, new things to learn and adapt to. For instance, the way that body textures were applied is slightly different now, meaning I have to work-around a few technical hitches like applying make up.

This means for you, nicer skin and nicer eyes.

I've spent the day copying Nina over to this newer model and implementing the new physically based skin shaders. I liked how his skin looked already, but I do think it looks a lot better and realistic with the new shaders. It's less plastic looking. I also really like the new eyes for the same reasons.

The new face posing is going to take some time for me to warm up to, however. I won't deny that the new expressions I can make with them look very natural and human, but it's also at the cost of some control that I previously had. I'm yet to fall in love with that. I'd love to have the option for both the old way of doing it and this new way.

Copying over my models to the new base model is taking a lot of time though. Luckily it doesn't impact my upload schedule that much, since I'm stuck to my render time most of all and I still have things to render. It just means that for the coming few days I might not have the biggest, most wildest WIPS to share.




Fug, he's so pretty, goddamn. D: Love those lips, they look so damn kissable, and those eyes. FUcking love that training outfit, too, whew those shorts.


I don't think I'll finish the workout image, I wanted to test out how sweaty I could make the new skin shaders. I'm gonna work on the Keller sisters' set in the clothing store tomorrow. Need to finish two more images for that one and then I can workshop the next set.


Nice work. Do you know of anyone doing tutorial level work via patreon? I’ve always wanted to try my hand at 3D modeling stuff for fun.


Thanks, sorry I don't know anyone doing that on Patreon. There's plenty of free tutorials, for free, on Youtube and findable through Google though. Depends on what you want to make specifically.


Looks good. A side-by-side with the pre-update Nina would be interesting. Don't envy you having to track the DAZ updates - it's one of the reasons I dropped Daz Studio for most things.


I don't know, I'd rather deal with regularly updated software than have things be stagnant. I'm very much of the mindset that I'll take what's given to me and work with it, instead of being like "Hey, this is different. No." or "I like the previous way, give me that again.". That said, I do understand where you're coming from. I'm used to doing things a certain way and suddenly, out of my hands, my workflow is very different and changed. So I get why someone would choose differently. But at the end of the day, the changes are welcome. My work looks better because of the new skin shaders and the new eye stuff. I'll take the small L for that and adapt myself. About the side-by-side, I can have a look if I have some old Nina images that might be suitable. Appreciate the comment. ♥


I'm happy you feel the effort to update your characters is outweighed by the benefits, and I appreciate you putting in the work. The high visual quality of your work is one of the key reasons for my subscription.