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This one's becoming spooky man. I want to do one more pose with the monster entirely in Nina, and maybe two more tentacle focussed one. One on the shore and one with Nina's mind broken.

Any ideas?




Loving the look of this one. Any of them going to include some stomach distension?


Yes, I'm figuring a pose out that stretches Nina' s body and holds him up in the air, that one'll have that.


Loving the developments. For N on the shore shot, what springs to my mind is N lying in foreground with 'mind broken' expression, while in the background creatures just about submerged again, or maybe just ripples/bubbles (are they possible?) to tell the tale.


That is almost exactly what I had in mind myself. For the end shot, I have Nina resting on a rock, completely worn and exhausted, covered in what-ever liquids, slime from the tentacles and the monster. And indeed the monster, silhouetted, or maybe just his head poking out of the water in the background. Ripples and bubbles are possible, for sure. Great suggestion! ♥