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• Included is a .zip file with 10 images in 4K resolution without watermarks, including three exclusives.

I want to poll the exclusive lads for their opinion on scrapping exclusive images entirely. I feel like it's a great reward, but it means less people see what I'm making and it's basically a render day/night that's seen by a handful of people. 

Also, when I'm choosing which ones should be exclusives, I often find myself picking the ones I like less, because I want the biggest audience to see my best work, you know?

So I'm pretty sure I'm getting rid of it next year, I just don't know what to replace it with yet. Suggestions?




First off Another great set of renders. As for your question. I'm a fan of story or skit sets. So if that is something you would like to do I'd be quite happy. However I also like o see the artist grow and surprise me. So what you have been presenting lately with WIP's is intriguing and I can't wait to see them finished. Personally you post enough to make me keep coming back each month.


Thanks a lot for the feedback, Francis. You're always one of the more active ones on Patreon, letting me know what you want and I appreciate it a lot. I hope when I start commissions next year, that the content still comes out at a steady pace. I'll keep doing story sets, most likely. They're easier to complete because there's less time to set them up. Thanks again, I'm a bit non-committal right now because I don't know how commissions will impact the rest of what I do. For now I intend to finish up the school set, work on the last few character votes and then make some characters myself because I need new faces. ❤


Your frame of thinking makes it feel like this subscription is solely to support you, and I like that. But yeah, I feel like you could sacrifice a "small" portion of your best work in order to make subscriptions more appealing - kinda like a freemium game does. Exclusive mini-stories - maybe short "spinoffs" of your main series - could be a way to achieve that. Or exclusive climax renders here and there, exclusive role reversal pictures (bottom becomes top sort of thing)... If you do change the way you output things, you should be scientific on calculating how much your new strategy is helping you, maybe keeping on it for a couple of months and comparing supporter growth.