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I was working last night and inspiration just left me. I had no focussed idea what to do and back in the SFM days, I'd just start making something and often times inspiration would strike me...

But DAZ is a different animal, it's a lot slower, first of all so I don't have as much time to spend experimenting and trying things out. I need a solid idea and start working on it instead.

So, I was lying in bed. Maybe naked, maybe not. And I got the idea to do a weekly or monthly suggestion thing. A moment where you all can let me know what your dirty subconscious really craves.

I'm gonna figure out how to do that effectively in the coming days.

also Yuna Ling is having a rough time on twitter, she might become a supporting character, but it might also be the rather tame pin ups I don't know



One thing I've done several times on my own server with great results is doing a sort of "choose your own adventure" type comic where I allow patrons to vote for the outcome of an ongoing story. Basically you set up the premise, the characters, that kinda stuff then you provide some options for folks to vote on. You do some images of the results, then hold another vote, so on until you feel the comic has reached a logical conclusion or you're ready to move onto something else. One of the great benefits of this is that while votes are going on, you can still potentially work on a different project in the delay if inspiration strikes you to do something else entirely.