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Worked on the soldier futa character on stream again today (you should check it out someday) and I took what you said into consideration and made some changes.

I hardened some muscles and shrunk her breasts somewhat, they were hanging far too low before. Furthermore made a preview image for her to show pretty soon.

Also, also, a Nina and Alice thing I worked on that I want to finish soon.

I'm gonna need a name for the soldier character soon though. I was thinking something Eastern European. Slavic or Russian, something like that.




Wow great work! She looks very cool and powerful. About the name - I like Olga Chernova (Ольга Чернова) or Orlova (Орлова), short and strict


That is an awesome character your creating there. Wow!!! Darya: “gift, victorious, glorious”. Extraverted, confident, active, and sociable


Oh my oh my. I like where this is going


I'll do some research into those names, I'd rather not go with Olga, I think that's a little bit... plain? Like "oh I need a Russian character, I'll name them Olga. Or Dimitri." I really like the sound of Chernova though. I'll do some research again. Thank you for the suggestion!


Darya sounds nice. I like what the name means too, I'll do some research for the name and see where it originated from. Thanks for the suggestion!