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I'm pretty much done with all the work on the workout piece with Amaya and Nina, they just need to be rendered. Turns out, I managed to get a lot more images out of that set than I was planning on, which means that it's going to take some time to render things out.

So, I don't want to spend too much time on doing multiple image sets, since rendering them out takes days to complete. I want to, instead, focus on smaller, more focussed pieces, with maybe half the amount of images.

I also want to contextualize the images, but I don't want to do text bubbles. I hate how they look and they tend to clutter everything. Instead I might do subtitles or a side panel with all the necessary dialogue and text, kind of like a book.

I'm also putting the zombie-apocalypse thing on pause indefinitely, the story that I had in mind doesn't really lend itself to porn that nicely. It's a very tough thing to balance tone, if you go to realistic and dark with the story the porn is just in bad taste. Also, I don't think most people that want to see some nice porn images are interested in a deep story with characters and vice versa.

I'm still interested in doing a long-form story, but I think I'm going to place it in a contemporary setting with a lighter tone. Still with likeable deeper characters than usual smut, but less dark and grounded.

I don't do a lot of just-text posts, let me know if that's something you're interested in. Kind of behind the scenes text stuff.

Also, what and who do you want to see me work on next? Let me know in the comments.



I support quite a few artists and all have this kind of update from time to time. Life happens. Thank you for the update


Hey, thanks for the reassurance! I just didn't take any WIP images, but rest assured I have plenty of stuff coming out soon. Is there someone or something you'd want to see in the future? I'd be down to create another character too, maybe we can combine our Patreon heads and make someone.


My Mind is still locked on waiting for Nina with Amaya However I don't recall Alice and Clara together 😍 Oops just went through your feed again didn't realize Alice was the updated Clara after HDD crash


Oh we can do it here so people can participate. I used to have a Discord back in the day, but it was just another platform that I had to maintain and I'm just one guy, so it died a slow death. Nina and Amaya is coming up in the workout set in a few weeks. I need to render a lot of images for that one. So you'll get that one for sure.


Awesome How about an Asian character


Yes. Sounds interesting. I'll start building something next week and let y'all decide on some aspects through polls and all that.