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I need more characters, and before the big HDD crash, which I just can't shut up about, we had a really cute character named Clara. This rework is kind of to fill that role and it takes a lot of inspiration from the old Clara, but I'm planning on tweaking a few things about his character. 

I really like Raiden from Metal Gear, specifically MGS 2. His entire look in that game is very androgynous and that's what I'm all about. So for the body I basically took his frame, his body-outline if you will, mixed it with Sasha Grey's butt, because she has a fantastic butt and the fitness and waist of @CosDestiny on Twitter.

I'm not sure what to do with his penis too, do we go big, do we go small? Do we go ugly or do we go cute and pretty? Let me know

So I don't just want to copy the old Clara character, I want to change him a little, if you have any cool ideas like a nice, cute, fitting name, let me know.
