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Here's what's going on; I've started work on some more characters, in various stages of development and I kind of want to stop making new ones and finish the ones I'm working on. It's taking up a lot of my time between making and rendering usual sex stuff.

Let's go image by image;

1-2: Clara Lambert is a young trans male from France. He's really early in development, but the general outline is a less thick femboy as opposed to Vivi, who's thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.

3-5: Arash Milonas is a horse cock futa from Greece. I'm not happy with her face yet, I think it needs something distinctive. Her current face is a bit too generic and similar to other models out there.

6-7: Farah Saeed is a trans female from Persia. I wanted to get some ethnic diversity in my roster. She'll be a strong minded character, both physically and mentally. 

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, if you have any ideas; I'm always all ears.



Far Klevlar

Love the diversity with these, specifically with their cocks. Clara is beautiful ❤


Thanks so much, good to hear I'm on the right path. Some of the older women have a chronic case of the skeleton face, so I'm working on getting rid of that and giving them something unique to their looks.