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We'll discuss the re-branding, the new/changed rewards and the Patreon campaign in general.

I really wanted to keep the S and P from my current logo in my name. So as we all know, I blow at creating names. I was looking around for inspiration, so you have your InCase, Calm, Dmitrys and I was thinking along those lines. Something easy to remember, short and just a name. Not a descriptor of what I do.

I know, the name is terrible. It stinks, it's horrible, it doesn't mean anything and I love it.  

All reward tiers saw some changes and we'll go through them one by one as clearly as possible. The lines in bold are things that have changed.

Tier 1:

  • Access To Patreon-Only Content;
  • Work-In-Progress;
    - See early versions of upcoming work. Give me your thoughts on them. Perhaps change them.
  • Standard Votes;
    - Votes and polls on smaller subjects of a story or a characters' details such as eye color, hair color, outfit. Smaller subjects are often things that don't change THAT much about a character or story. They are details.
  • Standard Influence
    - Your Vote Counts Once

Tier 2:

  • All Previous Tier Rewards
  • 4K High-Quality Downloads (.jpg)
  • Extra Content;
    - Content such as alternative versions like nude/clothed, erect/flacid, etc.
  • Extra Influence
    - Your Vote Counts Twice

Tier 3:

  • Exclusive Content;
    - Content that's only made for Tier 3 and above. We'll have separate votes for this tier.
  • Extra Votes;
    - Exclusive votes for all content. These votes will IMPACT larger subjects about a character or story such as gender, personality, events, scenarios, etc.
  • Deeper Influence
    - Your Vote Counts Thrice
  • All Previous Rewards

Tier 4:

  • Character Creator;
    - Create your own character together with me from scratch. 
  • Scenario Creator;
    - Create your own scenario or storyline together with me.
  • Elite Influence
    - Your Vote Counts Four Times
  • Plus all previous rewards

I've tried to write these up as clearly as possible, but you might still have some questions about these changes. If so, let me know in the comments below.

I'm writing a lot recently. From backstories to storylines that I want to try out. And I have this idea to do a shorter comic. I just have to figure out a better style than doing standard speak and thought bubbles. I was even THINKING about doing something interactive, like a visual novel type thing, but that's a whole other thing.

So I've been doing some weekly updates and those are only possible because I've been forcing myself to render something out every day. By doing that I, theoretically, should have a backlog pretty soon and can start uploading more frequently. It also allows me to do those weekly updates that have been received pretty well.

Because some rewards have been taken away, I also want to do more frequent votes. I already have a couple planned, but I don't want to upload twice right after another post because this one is pretty important.

With all that said, let me know what you think about these changes. I'm always listening and taking what you say into consideration. It's the least I can do in exchange for your generous support.

♥ - SloP


william russell

The new logo looks great and simple and the tiers look fine.


And I get to keep my watermark! :D Thanks for letting me know, William! Appreciate it.