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I'm trying to get back into the swing of things after a rough last week, here's what's cooking. Let's go image by image.

I've touched on wanting to create more characters and involving Patrons with that process and this early look at a cheerleader-type character is the result of that. I don't want to create shallow, one-note characters though, so she'll not only be "the cheerleader character" but that's just something she does. I feel she looks a bit too old still, so I might give her some younger features.

I wanted to connect Vivienne and the unnamed futa milf character and also wanted to find a consistent way to fix some cum issues I've been having. My last fix involved a lot of tinkering with cum shaders and it was a bit of a patch job, so I'm still looking for a way to fix that, without fucking too much with the look of the cum.

As for the futa milf character, I've been chipping away at her look too, as you can see in image 3 and 4. I think I'm pretty close to finishing her look, I just need to fill in her personality. I want to give her a more dominant personality, maybe she's in charge of Vivienne's job, either clothing store or café. Or she can fill in an administrative role at the cheerleaders' school. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.

Any input is appreciated.



Far Klevlar

I love the idea of the MILF being Vivienne's boss and the MILF (she looks like a Julia to me). I could definitely see her working at a high end clothing store or at the office for a fashion company. Excited to see these two meet... Keep up the DAZ work mate, I'm loving the look and vibe


Thanks a lot for the input! I actually went with Claudia for the futa boss, but Julia sounds more expensive. Maybe Claudia can be the futa boss and Julia can be her sister? 🤔 Glad to hear you like it, I love working with them.