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It's to be expected that when you learn new things, you stumble upon new problems.
I think it's safe to say that I won't get stuck in SFM after all these years. I can solve pretty much any problem that program has. #humblebrag

But I'm such a novice with DAZ that I'm getting stuck on almost everything. From clumsy camera issues like moving the main camera after settling on a position by accident to things like glowing textures like on the semen on Viviennes' hand.

Let's go image by image but just a heads up, it's gonna get technical;

Nicole, the muscled black trans lady who totally isn't a Nadine Ross clone, had some parts of her clipping through her clothes. And I'm gonna go technical here, but that was due to some shells with displacements underneath, which weren't being factored in the wrapping of the clothing.

That aside however, this image and it's lighting was more to test volumetrics. And the results are a lot granier. Lighting in DAZ is photo-realistic, done through real-to-life simulations of light particles. Or non-biased. This means that lights that have to travel through volumetrics, like smoke or fog, have to be bounced in between that volume. Which takes a lot longer to render. Whereas SFM is just a projection of volumetrics, which is a lot quicker to render.

I personally don't mind grain - I do think it's a bit much here - as it's what happens in cameras in real life too.

On to the cum in the hand. You'll see some bright spots on Vivienne's hand and on her chin. I THINK it's due to either those cum pools clipping into her skin and because of subsurface scattering it glows. Subsurface Scattering is where light penetrates through surfaces, like skin, and bounces around. And if the cum clips through the skin it would bounce the white stuff inside of her skin, which isn't what would happen in real life anyways, so the simulation freaks out.

Or it's due to my lights not having ray traced shadows. Either or, I needs to do more tests on this, because I do love me those cums.

And the third, tiny image, is a screenshot from DAZ. It's being rendered as I type this, and it shouldn't have the problems mentioned above. But I actually had a tiny mental breakdown with DAZ as I was having huge troubles with renders either failing and crashing immediately or the viewport not showing exactly what I was doing. At the end of the day I just messed with the wrong settings making the engine not bounce certain emitting surfaces.

So I had a little bit of a rough technical time as of late, but it's on the up and up. And this also gives me the chance to show some WIPs of upcoming work.




Glad to see you're sticking with it despite the difficulties! Interesting to read about the technical stuff; I'm somewhat familiar with the processes and terminology so it's neat to sort of follow along. As for the grain, it's occasionally bugged me on images from other Daz users but I don't really mind it here at all. "Because I do love me those cums", lol I was gonna make a point to say I freaking *love* that second pic despite the glow, it's right up my alley. Hope to see more stuff with cum! Hope it's not a bother that I've been commenting so much lately btw, I'm just really digging the direction you've been going lately!


Oh, please. I love reading comments and responding to them. It's exactly why I made this post and in some ways this Patreon. I want that engagement. I actually JUST figured out the glowy stuff. And I managed to fix it. It had something to do with the Subsurface Scattering, I think, because semen is kind of white and it was stuck to the skin so much, it just bounced light between the skin and the cum so it kept brightening things up between the surfaces. But that's been fixed!