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My annual self portrait session to celebrate my birthday this year was probably one of the most technically challenging one I've done. I almost quit a hundred different times (all before the final photos you are seeing now) – working with a projector for self portraits was a huge challenge, but one that I am glad I pushed through because I adore the final photos.

SETTINGS: 1/200, f/1.8, ISO 6400 (my projector does not put out that much light)!

I love having a birthday around the end of the year, because it means I get to reflect on my whole year simultaneously with the end of the calendar year. I'm nestling in and doing a lot of reflecting and journalling lately, and wanted to share 31 musings for photographers & artists as I enter my 31st year. 

1 – if it's important to you, schedule it. put it in your calendar. 

2 – there are a lot of different people doing what you are doing, but none of them are YOU. do it anyways.

3 – there are no original ideas, just original people recreating concepts.

4 – take the nap/rest/day off 

5 – save a lil folder of sweet words people tell you about your art or your heart. there will be hard days, and this lil folder of love notes will help

6 – get your ass out in nature more. 

7 – stuff your eyes with wonder.

8 – never stop being curious

9 – fill your feeds with artists who make a different format of art than you. as photographers we tend to recycle the same concepts, words, ideas – shake shit up and  get inspired by what other artists are doing.

10 – get in front of the damn camera. the healing it provides you and your clients is endless and always evolving

11 – look at your old work

12 – find hobbies that you DON'T MONETIZE. do shit just for the sake of doing it.

13 – write. even if you're bad at it, write. don't think, just write. 

14 – make a list of things you want to try once, and try to cross some off each year 

15 – make a list of things that bring you joy and inspire you. when you are feeling down, revisit that list and see how many of those things you are engaging in in your daily life.

16 – read/listen to podcasts/watch youtube videos to always be expanding 

17 – shut off your social media on weekends. let your brain take a break.

18 – get your ass out in nature more (yeah, i'm putting this in twice because nature is the original creative soul. let her feed you). 

19 – take yourself for artist dates - play with crayons, pottery, watch a silly movie, just do things for the sake of being a curious artist. 

20 – drink more water

21 – if you can, outsource the sh*t that drains you (like taxes, bookkeeping, etc) 

22 – meditate (even if you're bad at it... ESPECIALLY if you're bad at it). 

23 – feel your feelings, but know that not all feelings are facts.

24 – therappyyyyyyy

25 – move your body in ways that FEEL good to you, movement is medicine

26 – think of lil ways to bring in lil luxuries in your life. do fresh raspberries or fresh flowers or having your nails done make you feel fancy af? pick one thing that you allow yourself to splurge on, and let those tiny luxuries bring you joy without guilt (life if short, you deserve the lil things)

27 – if you find yourself feeling jealous about other artists successes or work, follow it. ask "why", keep following it. it often will lead you to what you feel like is lacking in your life or your work or your art

28 – take time to be grateful every day

29 – celebrate the wins of other artists freely and excitedly 

30 – date yourself more

31 – hug yourself and give yourself more physical affection, you deserve your tenderness, too. 



Sarah J. Slover

OMG *runs out and buys a projector*

Sarah J. Slover

Seriously, though. These photos are gorgeous, your words are gorgeous. You are such an inspiration. I am traveling with my kids to visit family this next week and a half and had planned to do a sort of retreat within my travels to take some time for myself. Just this morning I was allowing my head to talk my heart out of it. It's not that big of a deal, so-and-so's feelings might be hurt if you go spend time alone, just stay where you are, etc. But your timing was perfect. I am doubling down. <3

Misty Moss

Yes double down!! Get that you time - it is so essential. I often talk myself out of it too, this year I got my partner to be my accountability buddy so I put my retreat dates in our joint calendar and then he helps me stick to my guns!