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april was such a strange month for me – between adjusting to life back home after an extended period away, to catching covid (and still struggling with long lasting symptoms), to hosting my first ever workshop, to trying to get my head back on my shoulders to tackle the rest of 2022...

it's been a ride.

but I find myself getting incredibly inspired and invigorated by the breathtaking spring weather around us. the colours, the blossoms, the scent of fresh rain on the dirt. it's calling me to explore more outdoors and find more time in nature. i am deeply looking forward to more opportunities to use the "moss method" and get my naked butt on some beautiful landscapes.

hope ya'll are enjoying this transition into full spring!

i'd love to hear if there's anything specific you'd like to learn this month - drop it down in the comments below! 

with love,

 m xx



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