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I forgot to say, the reason finding your monthly/quarterly/yearly target in tandem with your Cost of Doing Business is because it helps you formulate how much you need to charge per client, and how many clients you need to have per month! 

My formula looks like: 8/clients per month X ? Amount of $ per Session= $29,000/month

Using this formula I determined I need to have an average sale of $3,645 per client to make my goal. But I know I have some wiggle room because of my passive income streams. Now you can use this formula to help you determine how to price and structure your sessions!


This is probably the most terrified and excited I've felt sharing a video with ya'll. I'm scared - but in the best way. I've done a lot of work around money mindset, money blocks, healing intergenerational poverty wounds - and I want to share that with ya'll. I'm not sharing this as a flex, instead I'm hoping it can inspire others to take control of their business and charge their worth. I'm hoping it can help inspire other women/femmes that making money is possible - that being a successful business owner and artist is totally realistic and a viable way to make a beautiful living. 


With love,

M xx


PLANNING FOR 6 FIGURES - Patreon Exclusive



I would love to hear more about overcoming poverty trauma. Soo sorry if there is already more about that, I haven't watched all videos yet.

Andrea Balbis

That was very helpful! It would be awesome if you could do a video on how set the pricing like see what others in the area are doing and do similar? don't look at other and just care about cost of doing business and goal? what if other photographers in the area are too cheap compared to our ideal price for reaching our goals? (scare of people not booking and go to the cheaper photographer)

Misty Moss

Love this idea! I can definitely do that for this months long form video :)