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As a professional photographer or artist – are you accidentally holding yourself back creatively?

Is your perfectionism preventing you from trying new things?

When was the last time you set aside time to fuck around and find out? Creatively, I mean.

Some of my best work and ideas come after I've let myself be new, and kind of bad, at something.

This set is an example. I'm still learning how to play with digital backdrops, and I could hide these away from the world because, sure, the composite editing wasn't perfect. And I let that stop me from creating these in the first place – until one day I decided that my curiosity and inner artist deserved better than that.

We deserve to make art that's kind of just okay, and maybe kind of rough around the edges – because that's how we grow.

For all the amazing art we make, there should be piles of mediocre art on the side where we spent the hours fucking around, so we could find out later.

So – when was the last time you created just to create?

When was the last time you let your inner artist run the ship?

Here is my challenge to you this month – 

Book yourself a creative date in the next 4 weeks. Book an hour, preferably 2-3, where you can just create for the sake of creating. Not create because someone else is paying you, not create because you need new content to post - but to create just to revel in the sheer joy of creating something.

Put it in your calendar and fuck arrrounnnddddddd. And find out how good it feels to just make art for the sake of making art.




Metallic Jersey! Sounds nice!!


I actually was at the fabric store a week ago and did exactly do that. There I bought a velvet option and I got a chiffony thing from Amazon that’s also from the wedding section!

Misty Moss

I use a few different large sheets of fabric on a regular basis, they're so versatile and work so well with my shooting style. Also the lightweight fabric can be brought out to outdoor shoots and looks amazing when wet.