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WW is available as a standalone race, you only have to pick her race in the racemenu, it's called Wonder Woman or smth.

She is already set up and ready to go.

The follower is at the Dead's Man Drink in Falkreath. She has no custom armor, so be sure to give her something of your choice if you want.

You can adjust her settings via CK.

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By default, she uses vanilla body with Maevan's mature skin and vanilla skeleton . You can replace those with anything you want 'cause tastes differ and all that crap.

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She has no weight slider.

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NetherRealm Studio - heads;
Maevan - female body textures;
ShinglesCat - porting.

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Terms of use:

- Don't do anything stupid or offensive;
- Don't reupload anywhere else;
- You're free to make patches and what not, just link back to this page.




She looks great! I am having issues with swapping her skeleton. I swapped out the skeleton of Ciri and Yen ages ago and they work fine, but when I try to copy and paste it, and make WW folder look exactly the same, her breast physics are detached from the rest of her body. And Ciri and Yen run fine with my modlist. Any tips?