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As you can probably guess from more than two years of no activity.

When I started this patreon I thought that not being bound by deadlines would allow me to be able to create more. To be honest I don't remember how I reasoned that out, but it did make sense to me at the time. Somehow.

In the last two years I've become so busy with my main patreon, and other projects that I honeslt forgot that this patreon is still even here. I imagine most of you did as well. But I figure I should make it official: This patreon is as dead as it can be. There is almost no chance I'll do another comic here.

I won't be deleting it for now, because honestly there's no reason to.  Maybe in the next couple of years something changes and I'll find free time to work on it? Maybe? I wouldn't count on it, but it is a possibility. 

But untill then see ya. 


Todd Bell

Thank you for the comics you did make here. I genuinely love them.


Genuinely didn't know there was another one 😆👍 will be swapping over to it


Everything you posted on here i absolutely loved. See you on the other patreon :)

Austin Hicks

Aww dang it... i was hoping for more comics....


Just make what u can when u can. And then if u manage to keep a rhythm, maybe come back to this, or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Wait what is the main one then?


Ya which is the main one then?


I'm so sad to hear :( I honestly really liked the bi comics and found them really wholesome and validating as I was discovering my own identity.


Yes, it’s a pity of course that you have no plans to make a comic here soon, yet we hope that you will someday


LMAO I just joined 12 hours before your post, at least it's per work.


Love your work! Wish I had known sooner you had another Patreon!


The good news is you have a a lot of work and projects. I am happy for you :)


Hi. I read all of your stuff today, June 7, 2020. Times are sad, but your work cheered me right up. If there is some other way to get you a donation, please let me know. You have earned your self a few drinks from me.


What is the purpose of the two patreon pages? The comics are different, I assume?


Ahh well tis a shame. Still I wish to support you as you have brought light into this world through darkness.

Tuesday M

You said on twitter about voting on your patreon, but I don’t see anything since this post…

Antonio, Conduit of Snacks

The voting is on the other Patreon, https://www.patreon.com/InCaseArt/posts. This one was just for bi content, but that ship seems to have sailed long ago (i.e. the regular Patreon has bi content as well).