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Here it is! After so long I finally got off my lazy ass to continue this project! 

Since I can't upload porn to patreon I'll be adding new work in progress pages to the imgur album linked here. Today's haul are sketches for pages 1 and 2.

First costume will be a somewhat realistic schoolgirl uniform. Honestly I think the authentic ones are sexier than the super skimpy slutty kinds. 

Like last time I think I'll keep the WIP pages withoud dialogue and add it all later in one go.

I honestly can't say what the update schelude for this will be, but I'll be trying to give you guys something every week.




In general, "real" clothing always looks better :) Could have him mention his sister/friend grew out of it. Presumably when they grew tits >_>


Now we're talking

Joshua Wolfe

He's an even cuter schoolgirl than I imagined.


Anything goes :-)


so do we know what costumes we're gonna see?