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 Oi! LewdNyaruko. I see you.  ( ー̀εー́ )

First Scene

Second Scene

Third Scene 

A lot of vocals were cut. Ended up not being too happy with it. I was never too much of a fan of vocals unless theyre spot on, so ill retreat from that. But it was fun experimenting with it!




:( ahh so you not gonna finish it ??, i hope it'll be polish after linkle :), and you also miss match the link between the sound and the non sound post lol

Christian Herrera

Sorry to hear that you weren't happy with alot of the vocals. Though I am curious if they were mainly the Dialogue/talking vocals. Cause Moans, pants, muffled yell bits may have their uses. Even if the only sounds are the sex SFX and the girl moaning, that definitely enhances the animation :3 Regardless, loving how the scenes are coming out, best of luck with Linkle, and I hope your Task members gets everything together. No worse feeling than working on something, only to have someone not doing their end.


Thanks Christian <3 Though the fault was more on my end that anything.


I don't suppose maybe we could get a WIP of the scene with vocals. I really liked the intro version with the vocals.