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Hi guys,

Sorry for the radio silence this week and lack of content. I've been bed bound with a Norovirus which kicked my fucking ass! I don't want to get into the gruesome details of just how bad it was, but yeah. I'm on the mend now and feel almost back to normal, but still not all there yet.

I'm going to make up for it working through the weekend, so here's my plans to catch up:

- Write Unchaste and release it to Enthusiast Tiers(+)

- Finish Approval Ratings (Another 4-5 pages for this now).

- Another page or two for Alina of the Arena

Then I'll be starting the new short story - Classroom Troubles next week. 

The VN is also reaching the end point as to what I'm happy to release as a proof of work (not a demo). I keep on adding a little more, hence the delay. 

Anyway, plan for today is to do a couple of pages for AR and release it. Slow and steady day back! 

I hope you understand and sorry again!



Being alive is good! Make sure you are fully recovered before you worry about any of this stuff

Blah blah

Glad you are doing well brotha!


Glad to have you back. Didn’t you say that there will be one more page off Bulla?