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Hi everybody,

First of all Happy New Year! I hope you all had a nice time over the holiday season doing whatever it was you was doing! I had a nice, needed break, but I'm ready to get back going with things now though, that's for sure! So then, with that being said let me lay down some plans I have for this year!

I'm going to spend the rest of this week doing a tidy up of everything on my computer as quite honestly it's all become quite a mess over the last year! That and finishing up the Couples Therapy commission I'd started.

Moving into the year you can expect the same kind of situation with sequences and short stories including of course Unchaste! I plan on finishing Unchaste this year, but who knows!

Lastly. The Visual Novel... I can confirm as of Monday... I am RESUMING production on that and I plan to get a 'proof of work' (not a demo) out this month for you guys to check out. Then I'll probably do a poll to decide whether it's something you guys want to see me continue or not. 

The way I see it is I want to spend as little time on things you guys don't want to see and more time on things you do, so expect me to reach out a lot more with questions for you to answer.

Anyway, I'm taking it easy this week, but I am back in business! 

Thank you all for you on-going support! You're the best!