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Hello guys,

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your patience with me over the last couple of weeks. With the loss I've not been doing as much as I'd usually be doing in terms of content creation. Especially when its come to works such as Unchaste and A New Friendship as I'd opt for the more 'easier' going works such as Approval Ratings. Now that the funeral has happened, I'm eager to get stuck back into my usual work and upload schedule so expect things to gear back up around here.

You're all the best! I hope you're all doing well! Let's have some fun on the build up to the holidays eh?

There might be a little surprise on the horizon...




If you need some more time mate, it happens. You're still human (at least, last I checked?), hope the new team member is supporting you through this 🐶


Yeah he's sat next to me looking at me wondering why I'm giving this mechanical contraption attention instead of him! haha

Corruption Fan

You deserve our patience. Keep your chin up and enjoy the life :)


Hey, man, relax. Everything is fine! My condolences for your loss, and if you need anything, I'm here. Tamo junto

Near Uchiha

Dude even now you put in more work than every other artist, most are always late or rarely do projects, pls take as much time as you need and dont be to hard on yourself. I really respect the frequency of your updates even trough these kind of times, ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


All I can say I'd I hope you're also doing your best to look after yourself above everything in this kind of situation. Life comes first, updates can wait a little bit.