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Sex in a toilet cubicle? Doesn't get much classier than that for a President.

To be continued...

Chapter Two

Chapter One




nice wedding ring!

Darr darr

Hopefully that diamond makes for a good nipple ring decoration 👌


He has the president of the united states of america in front of him and what he says is "Bend over, bitch"? The youth now days is just out of control! Also, I love how clearly visible her wedding ring is as she strokes another man's cock lol.


Interesting.. I'm kind of hoping that he's both wrong and right. Like maybe he won't be enough. And she gets her fix from other places and attention. If it's just her and this guy from now on this direction is not what I expected. I was more thinking that the second chapter was gonna be about the president's rivial with sandy or Her desperation to be loved by the public, making her more and more corrupted. Great Sequence though.

Corruption Fan

Hoping to see some action this week!


I tend not to go in directions people think I'm going to. I like to keep readers guessing, but enjoying it nevertheless. I tough line to dance on!