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Pink and black. My favorite color comb for bimbos.

Darr darr

She looks pretty good already, but seems like she's got a lot to catch up to Sandy. Hopefully a few experimental drug regimens fix that too

Darr darr

I hope she becomes a slave to her success and realizes she likes dick a lot more than being a politician


First time I've legit felt nervous and under pressure for a piece of work because of how much people love this. I love it!


Feel a bit sad this went down the plastic surgery route, can’t help but feel this would have been better kept more natural, thats just my opinion however still look forward to see where it goes.


Love it!


What was the second request from the UAE boys/girls? And, for me there is space for piercing and USA tattoo in the presidential profile .... all in the name of the great US of A, by the people for the people :-P

Darr darr

Well shit can't wait to see tomorrow