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*In steps Raymond*

To be continued...





It's about damn time!

Aurélie Trave

my god, i love that story !!!! not been that much excited since tearcher's story...

Corruption Fan

I'm loving it and hating it at the same time. Loving the story and progression and hating coz I've to wait lot of days for this to complete


Oh oh, if she OKs this, there's no chance what so ever that these wonderfully trustworthy Saudi princes will force the surgeon to do quite a bit more than just give her a medium boob upgrade.


Well, what is she willing to do for her fellow country men. How far is she willing to go. I like your stories because you leave it open for her to become a bimbo or have her still smart but slutty.


Hmm I wonder if she'll have a "bad reaction" to the anaesthetic, why it could cause brain damage. Also wonder who is VP and how they would react?


Or something that leaves her with the same mentality and reluctance, but leaves her constantly horny and dripping, with her mentality and reluctance deteriorating after asking people to "help" her.


Rebecca, Raymond's guided you so wisely thus far, best to do as he says :) ... (but praying it's not a boob job - they're perfect already .. but I , of course, defer to Raymond)