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Hi guys,

Been a minute. Following with my usual tradition of full transparency I feel it only respectable to let you guys know what's been going on.

Last week I was admitted to hospital with chronic abdominal pain which lead to the discovery of kidney stones. I had a simple operation to remove them and was sent home. That was Tuesday last week and that's when I made my last post. Since then I've been fighting a fucking infection which has pretty much left me bed bound for 20hrs a day whilst I fought off the infection along-side anti-biotics. 

Anyway, I'm a little better now, but understandably I'm still super fatigued, especially mentally. 

With that being said I think it's wise for me to take another week off, but regardless I don't want to leave you all with fuck all for another week. With that, I'm going to release another page of Wonder Woman after this post and then I'm going to start daily scheduling a commission I'm a little way through so you're getting something from me.

As for Unchaste and the the end to the Harper College life in regards to her Brother. Sadly I'm going to leave that until next week. I hope you understand. I'll throw up a post for Admirer(+) though with the new pages I did manage to get done.

I'm alive. I'm getting better and as soon as I'm back to being me I'm planning on stepping my game up and producing even more content for you guys.

Thanks for the read and I hope you all understand!

Thank you :)



No worries mate thank you for your transparency. I hope you will get better soon. Don't worry mate we ain't goin anywhere take your time to rest and come back at full strength


Take all the time you need. Get better. We will still be here.


Hey, take time to look after yourself first. That's the important thing.


Feel better soon man!


I don't care about your posts. I mean I like them, but fuck dude slow down heal up. Then come back to it. We are all grown ups or kids who stole mom and dads credit card. we can wait.


Get well soon! Don't rush recovery. Take the time you need.


Wishing you a speedy recovery. Feel better


As everyone else who has commented has said; take the time you need to get well. We'll wait. Your health is more important than us fapping ;-)


I don't know others, but In my case i don't have any problem if you take the week off, I prefer you healthy and happy an not sad and sick


I’m back better than ever now dude, but thank you :)