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And that's what you get ladies and gentlemen for being an A+ bishhhh!

Brother Route will be finished this week too. Then I'll make a tidy little folder with these in to make it easier to read.

In the meantime, pages are attached for download :)

Let me know how you found the ending!



Chris S

That's just awesome. I really appreciate this ending! 👌🏼🔥


man glad that he got the upper hand. Am I correct that she didn't have a boob job?


Btw, I believed this was the perfect pregnancy set up, I'll wait as long as it takes🤞


It's down to your imagination whether or not she ever had one before she met Harper ;)


Think it's about time I did a little pregnancy content eh?


Harper looks awesome in this ending, Lia is a bit much for me. Wouldn't mind a final picture of this version of Harper in a bit more... negligee outfit, that barely visible tattoo is especially intriguing.


I’ll whip something up for the end folder don’t worry 😉


Well don't judge a book by its cover , maybe Lia turns out to be a really nice girl


I'll admit this isn't EXACTLY what I expected and it leaves me a little sad honestly, cause you can tell even if she's bring a whore she clearly still thinks or at least don't believe she's in the wrong here. I get the BF's anger I've been in his place but I do feel vaguely bad for the girl. But as the old saying goes, you've made your bed, now lie in it. Here's hoping the brother ending goes a little better for her, I won't lie I can't imagine a sibling abandoning their own flesh and blood no matter how much of a whore they make themselves


Precisely my friend with the saying. Yeah Brother route won't be like this. Like you said abandoning blood is a whole different story.


Any chance there’s a drive link for it all together?


Once I'm done with the Brother Route yes, of course :)

rafael teran

Power of Self-Respect achieved