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My next Corruption Sequence:

  • Wonder Woman 152
  • Jill Valentine 40
  • Sister/Girlfriend (I'll decide which upon starting) 151
  • Teacher Blackmail 107
  • None. They all suck. 3
  • 2023-03-13
  • —2023-03-20
  • 453 votes
{'title': 'My next Corruption Sequence:', 'choices': [{'text': 'Wonder Woman', 'votes': 152}, {'text': 'Jill Valentine', 'votes': 40}, {'text': "Sister/Girlfriend (I'll decide which upon starting)", 'votes': 151}, {'text': 'Teacher Blackmail', 'votes': 107}, {'text': 'None. They all suck.', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 20, 8, 0, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 13, 14, 33, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 453}


Sup my dudes,

With the ending for Wednesday now not far off I'm thinking about what to do next. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, Parody and Original as to the next Corruption Sequence, but I wanted to give you lot the choice as to which I decide to do. 

As for Parodies I'm thinking either:

  • Wonder Woman
  • Jill Valentine

As for Originals:

  • Sister or Girlfriend going off to College and seeing her corruption through Social Media as either her Boyfriend or Brother.
  • A Teacher being blackmailed by her class into all sorts of shenanigans. 

Let me know in the Poll anyway, because I'm fucking torn, so it's your choice now ;)



Damn, I need more than one vote!


I intend on doing all of these 'eventually' this is just for my next one :)


I like the wonder woman idea. But have her put a little resistance before becoming full bimbo slut


Definitely the girlfriend!!


What happened to the Black Widow idea you mentioned the other week?


That would be a short comic. Not a sequence. I still plan on doing it shortly :)

7h3 Unkn0wn

Some type of evil Wonder Woman corruption would be interesting, I don’t think anyone has done a evil bimbo Wonder Woman


I'd like to see a corruption sequence of Jill, potentionally being infected by a new strain of the T-virius that bimbo/sluttifies Jill or she is corrupted by tentacles


Pretty much hit the nail on the head with what I wanted to kind of do!


Wonder Woman and the New U salon - one of the best corruption/bimbofication short stories out there. Possiby do a riff on that?


Sister/girlfriend, as long as it isn't much like Boyfriend's Safety


or being back DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER but use to male friend one black one white and they want to be the hot and sexy bimbo sissy on onlyfan and on cam this can be next after this comic


I like the teacher one. Reminds me of a college prof I had. She had just finished her schooling and was working 2 jobs. One as a professor the other, a beer tub girl. We found out one night when we went to the club. I would catch her at the club then tell her she will work as a beer tub girl at a house party l, then next would be a shots girl then maybe a body shots girl. She would have to get some work done, bigger boobs. Then maybe stripping at a house party. Where you go from there is up to you.


thats a genius idea. since we already had sister and/or girlfriend sequence, i would totaly go for the teacher blackmail


I always like WonderWoman stories where her powers are suppressed, then diminished, and eventually lost permanently as a result of her giving in to corruption and patriarchal submission. Even as she resists, she gets weaker and sluttier while her body softens into a more fuckable form. Maybe a corruption that's girly and bimbo-ey in nature while still turning her into an amoral, mean-girl kinda slut.

Juan Homa

Oh please let it be the sister/girlfriend story! Folks, let‘s be honest. Wonder Woman is for children! We grown ups are simply more into totally realistic social media corruption stories. Grown ups know how social media corrupts weak minded women (Uups, did I really write this?) Long story short: We want more realism in these stories! We vote sister/girlfriend!