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  • Yes 140
  • No 152
  • 2023-03-03
  • —2023-03-06
  • 292 votes
{'title': 'Ai:', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes', 'votes': 140}, {'text': 'No', 'votes': 152}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 6, 9, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 3, 11, 4, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 292}


Hi guys, question time.

I know Ai is a touchy subject when it comes to art and I completely agree with that. Regardless, with the help of a friend I tested how it would look if I used it on one of my own creations. This was the outcome:





Now my question is. Would you like a sequence where I created the model and converted it to this style using Ai? That way it would still essentially be my own work just in a different style.

Please note, this is a test run. A final product would be higher quality.

Let me know in the answers below please.

Thank you for your on-going support.



I see where you're coming from but I prefer your style a lot more than the AI conversion

That Faceless Dude

Absolutely not. Your style is your own. The stuff AI makes feels like a generic imitation of other styles. It's much more boring.

Haoika Kitsune

Maybe you can create a metaphysical story, where an illustrator questions whether to make nsfw drawings. But what I do to her Oc, does she do to herself too? Idk

Haoika Kitsune

But I agree with those who say that your style is already iconic


I like your style better, the AI examples just look a bit off.


I would be more on board if you tried it with a more realistic and less anime AI model. But overall gingerly yes? I mean some of the work I've seen created using AI were actually amazing and I think there is a place for AI art, I however think the issue here is way too many "creators" popping up and uploading massive amounts of AI generated images without any thought given to its quality and even much less so any post processing or refinement done to the resulting images. When someone uses AI generation as a part of their process or even a jump-start for it, I don't really have any issue with AI imagery.


Very controversial as I predicted. I'll go back to the drawing board and maybe try another couple of styles before I properly decide on what to do.


yeah why not , but ur art is better


i say no too. Ai creates to many errors und hasnt your personal touch. for example first Ai pic her left leg look totaly wrong. or 2nd Ai pic, she has something in her right hand between her fingers, her left it sticks randomly out of her hand. so i prefer your own style.


You could try watching the new anime special from corridor digital they have an explainer video on corridor crew. It has some exciting ideas as to how you can get consistently ai generated videos and photos in the desired style set.


I think it would be interesting to try out atleast, could perhaps reach a wider audience as well so and could release the original Daz render and the AI version so everyone gets what they want.


the problem with AI is once you see a few images the rest all look quite boring, since they all have exactly the same style and right now they can't seem to do anything interesting other than posed portraits. Also they always fuck up the hands!