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Hello, everybody!

I just want to take a second to thank everybody for their support this year! When I started out doing this, I never thought for a second this many people would be here supporting me. It's extremely humbling, so thank you so much! 

I plan on making 2023 even BIGGER than this year! I have a lot of plans to make content that will be very pleasing to you guys, including:

  • Completion of Chapter Four & Chapter Five of Unchaste!

  • New animated sequences!

  • A NEW format for the regular sequences!

  • New ONE-SHOT comics like Boyfriends Safety!

  • A Secret Project! (Poll pending)

  • Much more!

I wish you all the best for next year! I'll be doing my best to make it that little better with all the content you could hope for!

Best wishes, love and happiness to everyone! 

