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Hi guys,

More of a complicated question this time.

I had one route planned for this story, but I kind of had a really cool idea last night. How about I add a second route to the ending of Boyfriends Safety? Similar to what I did in the first Chapter of Unchaste.

The second route will feature Angela's boyfriend as well as Reece, oppose to just Reece alone. It'll bend a little into the cuckold genre, but not enough to say that's what it becomes. Basically, the new route isn't just going to be her boyfriend jacking off in the corner whilst Reece goes to town on Angela. 

Now adding a second route will of course create more work; which in turn, will void the last Poll I made. As I'll aim to create a page for each route, each day. 

Anyway, let me know in the votes. This decision I could really use your help with.

Thanks, peeps.

EDIT: If you pick One Route only. I will release the Corruption Sequence after that giving me more time to work on Unchaste.



Sounds interesting, especially if it’s not (just) cuckolding. Having Reece and the boyfriend be in cahoots would be fun ;)

Veral Nox

I will always advocate for a pregnant slut if possible. What's cuckier than watching your girlfriend's belly swell up with someone else's baby?