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Hi guys, 

Another month another illness for 3DK-x! Wooo! Yeah as the title suggests, I've had the Flu since Monday now, it's 'slowly' started to ease today as today is the first day I've managed to get myself out of bed. I've had every fucking symptom, because why not. May as well go all out with it am'i'right!? fml. 

I had a concert on Saturday, and I'm thinking that's where I probably got it. I think just with everybody being so careful so long and now with everybody back acting how they used to, our immune systems can't handle the return to germs this quickly. My two cents anyway. 

Anyway, I just thought I'd give you a heads up. Fortunately. I have been sat on a few pages of a sequence I started which was going to release simultaneously with a commission, so for the next few days you're going to have that at least. 

Also, the update for Unchaste Admirer Tier(+) will be released almost straight after I post this!

I hope all of you are well and happy. Love you all!




Take care buddy!