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Hi guys,

I hope that you have enjoyed this animated sequence. I did plan on taking this to ten pages, but I thought this would be a good place to leave it. That being said, I would happily do another four pages and continue this experiment of mine. I'll post a Poll later and get your opinions there! 

This has been quite a learning curve for me and I've tried to make it as well as I could, but learning new things is difficult when it's something like animation. I'm glad I tried it though that's for sure and I DO plan on doing more like this sometime in the future. Short and sweet sequences though. 

Anyways, Poll up soon. Please take a moment to cast your vote. It really does help me determine what to do next going forward :)

You're all the best!




u did an amazing job for your first time , and i think u know the result of the poll xp


I would definitely like to see this scenario go further. It's only just beginning to get to the part of the corruption sequence that I enjoy most. But, maybe that's just me. Either way, I've loved the animations in this one!

Near Uchiha

I also would like you to finish this one. 🔥




Animation or not, would definitely like to see this continued.