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Hi guys,

Sooooooo... I'm trying something new. I'm not 100% on whether it's a good idea or not yet and there's still plenty to learn here, but I thought what better way to get some feedback than to post here.

This essentially is the first page in an animated (not much) corruption sequence. 

I personally don't think it's a bad start for my first attempt. I'll let you guys be the judge though. I'll put a Poll up shortly.

Thanks guys!




i love it , but i think u take many time to do it so i don't know if it's worth or not


I think this looks great! A little bit of animation definitely helps add some life. Loving the premise of this one, too; can't wait to see more!


omg it's alive! like one of those photos from the wizarding world.


Granted. It took me longer, but not TOO much longer.


So do it xp , i love the animation is very good , i don't know if u will do with more part of the body later , but don't say it , let the surprise

John micky

Looks amazing 👏, great work!

Owen Caple

i think this is an amazing idea!!!!

Scottie Doom

I really like this, it's subtle yet adds a bit of life to your work. I've not seen this done before. You may have just started something 👍


Like the idea of the Queen ending up as a dockside whore after trying to go undercover to find out what her subjects really think of her rule. Maybe a bit of magic thrown in (Court magician changes her looks when she is undercover so even if she wants to get away she will not be recognised).